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We use the following curriculum program as an educational guide to create our age appropriate fun learning seasonal activities & curriculum...
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Physical Development
Motor Skills
When we talk about physical development in young children, we usually mean two things:
1) The process which children grow physically
2) Their increasing skill at performing a range of various motor tasks, using their large and small muscles.
As their large muscles develop, children go from rolling over to riding a tricycle. As their small muscles develop, children go from grasping a rattle to stringing beads or writing.
Did You Know?
GELDS support the growth of the whole child from birth to five. Georgia has a long history as a leader in promoting early learning and development outcomes for children. The GELDS promote quality learning experiences for children and address the question, "What should children from birth to age five know and be able to do?"
Cognitive Development &
General Knowledge
Cognitive development refers to how a person perceives, thinks, and gains understanding of his or her world. Among the areas of cognitive development are information processing, intelligence, reasoning, language development, and memory. Cognitive development is the construction of thought processes, including remembering, problem solving, and decision-making, from childhood through adolescence to adulthood.
Social & Emotional
The significance of social and emotional development is seen in every area of a child's life. Children will have a strong foundation for later development if they can manage personal feelings, understand others' feelings and needs, and interact positively with others. Differences in social and emotional development result from a child's inborn temperament, cultural influences, disabilities, behaviors modeled by adults, the level of security felt in a child's relationships with adults, and the opportunities provided for social interaction.
Approaches To
Play & Learning
Play is children's work, but play can be any activity that is fun. Children work hard at their play because they can make it up themselves. The best part about children's play is that it helps children learn while they have fun. Children benefit most from a balance of adult-led activities and activities that they think of themselves.
Communication, Language &
Literacy Development
Even before they can say words, children can communicate. Infants communicate what they need by crying; at about 18 months children experience a vocabulary explosion; and during ages 2 and 3, children produce understandable speech. Children move from understanding language to using sounds and words to communicate. Children learn language by being with people who encourage their efforts to communicate and look for opportunities to communicate with them. By age 4, a child probably knows 5,600 words.